Find below a query that shows the average Cycle Time per state, you can store the results in a temporary table and join it to provide averages to help in value stream mapping.
The bulk of the work is done by the query below
1: WITH cteStateChange(rowId, tpId, wiId, [State], PrevState, UpdTime) AS(
2: SELECT Row_Number() OVER(Order by wi.TeamProjectSK, wi.System_id, wi.System_Rev)
3: , wi.TeamProjectSK
4: , wi.System_Id
5: , wi.System_State
6: , wi.PreviousState
7: , wi.System_ChangedDate
8: FROM dbo.DimWorkItem wi
9: INNER JOIN dbo.FactWorkItemHistory wih
10: ON wih.WorkItemSK = wi.WorkItemSK
11: AND wih.TeamProjectSK = wi.TeamProjectSK
12: WHERE 1=1
13: AND (wih.StateChangeCount = 1)
14: )
good tip. already tried to create report