Just Create a class that inherits from DropCreateDatabaseAlways<T> override the seed method to create insert the values you want.
1: public class DBContextInitializer : DropCreateDatabaseAlways<EntityContext>
2: {
3: protected override void Seed(EntityContext context)
4: {
5: ProductDummies.GetAllProducts().ForEach(p => context.Set<Product>().Add(p));
6: context.Commit();
7: }
8: }
1: [ClassInitialize]
2: public static void ClassInitialize(TestContext context) {
3: DbDatabase.SetInitializer(new DBContextInitializer());
4: }
If you then use an in memory database it will be fast. The best way to always start from a known state (and to avoid mstest concurrency problems is to put the following code in Your TestInitialize method:
1: [TestInitialize]
2: public void TestInitialize()
3: {
4: string key = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
5: TestContext.Properties.Add(DB_NAME_KEY, key);
6: repository = new Repository<Product>(key);
7: }
To delete put the following snippet in your TestCleanUp
1: [TestCleanup]
2: public void TestCleanUp()
3: {
4: repository.Dispose();
5: DbDatabase.Delete(TestContext.Properties[DB_NAME_KEY].ToString);
6: }
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